Departed for the Allegheny Cemetery. We've been aware of an advertising mural on the North Side for E & O Beer. We've recently learned that E&O doesn't really stand for Early and Often, but rather for Eberhardt & Ober, who were partners in a Allegheny City (now Northside) Brewery that is now part of the Penn Brewery complex.
In fact, this background image from the Northside Leadership Conference's twitter page shows an E&O Beer sign:
The good folks at the NSLC told us that Eberhardt and Ober were such partners that they were now resting in adjacent mausoleums in Allegheny Cemetery, so we rode over. We met Clifton, an extremely courteous gentlemen, who helped us find the two crypts. Apparently, Mr. Ober died first and occupies the building on the right. Mr. Eberhardt died second, and arranged for a slightly grander structure.
Then we took a bit of a city tour. Up the hill in the cemetary to Penn Ave, across Friendship and Shadyside to Oakland, down the back of the Carnegie Museum to Panther Hollow. Rode the Jail Trail to Point State Park, where we found Ed Trask working on the Alternative Spring Break Art Project, creating a portable mural that says "Heart This City" containing key Burgh imagery.
Back across the Ft. Duquesne bridge to the NorthSide, and back to the Bastille. 20 miles and a great ride.
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