People do different things on the occasion of a New Year. Get the tax paperwork together. Put new batteries in the smoke detector. Ride Icycle Bicycle (REI, 1100). Update your Memex bookmarks. Gather with friends at 11pm.
This is my 2010-2011 visual metaphor for "out with the old, in with the new".

It's time to send my well-worn, scuffed up 2010 bicycle water bottles to the recycling center and replace them with fresh new bidons.
I prefer translucent bottles, but my Local Bike Shop (LBS) had white and I think it's important to support your LBS. My LBS is the Ambridge Bike Shop, truly great people there.

I'd feel like an adulterer riding around with water bottles from another bike shop. (or at least, what I'd imagine an adulterer would feel like). But if I were going to stray with a non-LBS water bottle, it would probably be either a CleanBottle or one of these listing Velocio's Seven Commandments. So I'm not too virtuous; I'm staying true but I'm also keeping an eye on the options.

Also, on this very last day of the year I've ridden my 2010 goal of 2000 miles.
It's not a very big number, and a lot of people do an awful lot more, but it was a good goal for me, this year.
My 2011 Riding Goals
jan-feb-mar: 3, 18mile rides per week
3x18=51 per week, 204/month, 604/quarter
end of qtr weight: 205
apr-may-jun: 4x 23mile rides per week
4x23=92/week, 276/month, 1104/quarter, 1708/two quarters
end-of-qtr weight: 195
jul-aug-sept: 4x 26mile rides per week
4x26=104/week, 416/month, 1248/quarter, 2960/three quarters
end-of-qtr weight: 195
oct-nov-dec: 3, 18mile rides per week
3x18=51 per week, 204/month, 604/quarter, 3564/year

Happy New Year.
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