7/10/2014 22m
R and I started out in town. Rode through the main drag and found a great coffee shop, had coffee and breakfast before joining the others. Once we marshalled the group, we made a happily orderly transition across the bridge to the east side of the river and down to the C&O Canal Trail.
We made Harper's Ferry without any difficulty. Some members of the group kept riding ahead, others went across to check out the scene of so much hostory. Then we advanced to Brunswick MD and Beans in the Belfry, a church building turned into a coffee house and bistro. The food was very good.
S. stopped in a bakery on our way out of town and scored a loaf of carrot-pineapple-zucchini bread just out of the oven, major accomplishment of the day. Down to White's Ferry and crossed over the Potomac.
We relied on the Leesburg Comfort Suites for help shuttling the bikes and people and they were extremely helpful and effective. Gold star. We ate in the mexican restaurant across from the hotel, and turned in early.
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