12/16/12 238# 29M
A simple and pleasant ride, from the Res to Sewickley Starbucks and back via the Ambridge Bridge and a slightly different route, 29 miles in 55F. Shorts, jersey, windbreaker with the pit zips wide open, luxurious for 12/16. In just five more days, the days start getting longer. (Or the world ends, check back for final determination.)Congrats to several people for wrapping up end-of-year accomplishments:
- Stu for 24E+02 miles
- Janie for 3000 miles, and delaying foot surgery until she got there - hard core!
- SR for 6,500 miles
- Yale Cohen for 10,000 miles
- and this below, from a Pittsburgh cyclist I haven't met. Absolutely astounding.

...and to yourself VB. I believe you are rapidly approaching the 7K mark! Well done!!