Started riding at about 2pm at the Bastille which caused me to miss Pedal for the Pantry 2 completely, so I pedalled off to the wrapup event at The WheelMill. Proceeded from the Bastille via the NorthSide Trail (and kudos to the Casino for upgrading the kludge trail barriers to something more substantial) out to the 40th Street Bridge, Butler St and Allegheny River Blvd out to Washington Blvd. At the park across from Bakery Square I saw a completely black squirrel; I've seen them in Ohio and one in DC, but I've never seen one in Western PA before. Rode uphill, left onto Hamilton Blvd and there's the WheelMill.
The WheelMill is really an impressive facility. I haven't been in it since construction was complete. There were some young riders in there doing amazing things, seemingly effortlessly.
I hadn't participated in the shopping-ride, so I left my donation for the food pantry. I saw a lot of bike friends that I hadn't seen in a while which was awesome. I felt a bit low energy, but there was a food truck (which I've never used in Pittsburgh but I've wanted to) outside so I tried an Oh My Grill Cuban Grilled Cheese sammich and a PBR (not from the truck) and life was better.
Hung around in bike bliss with great folks for a while and then took off because I needed to ride. Went to Bakery Square, rode to Frick Park and took South Braddock out to the Rankin Bridge. Crossed the Mon and entered the Waterfront shopping center, rode over to the Pump House.
Encountered YC, who is already at 1800 miles for the year (wow). We rode together back northwest to the Bastille.
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