Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Chanukah 5777: Fifth Annual Pittsburgh Handlebar Hanukkah Bike Ride

Wed Dec.28 2016 36m
Dec mtd:225 ytd:3038
I started off in Homestead, PA today (btw, I recommend Homestead: The Glory and Tragedy of an American Steel Town, by William Serrin. Met some folks at the former Homestead High School, which was a Federal Works Agency project back when FDR was interfering with the free market:

Rode into the Waterfront, which is like a wealthy oasis behind a moat, separated from the town. Met YC, and we rode out to Boston PA. Took the McKeesport Loop outbound, and the GAP proper inbound.

Rode to the Hot Metal Bridge, up to Oakland, out to Squirrel Hills and met up with the Chabad Chanukah Parade for the Fifth Annual Pittsburgh Handlebar Hanukkah Ride. I mean, a festivel of lights? Donuts and latkes? That's got bicycles written all over it.

This is some video Stu took while we were waiting at Shady and Forbes for the cars to pass in front of us, so that we could fall in behind them:

I was apprehensive about this year's ride. The first four years, the motorcade (and bike contingent) mostly rode around the plateau on top of Squirrel Hill and ended in Schenley Plaza. This year, the caravan starts in Oakland, crosses Squill, and then crosses Greenfield (in which Chabad has grown) and descends Brown's Hill Road to Homestead and the Waterfront. I didn't think the bikes would be able to stay on the back of the cars, and I was apprehensive about bringing a large group unprotected on Brown's Hill Road and the Homestead Gray's Bridge.

It worked out. We did become separated from the caravan, there was some mishegas with non-participating cars in the evening rush hour. I'm glad we didn't have 75 cyclists - although with 75, maybe it would have had a different dynamic.

The main motorcade backed up entering the Waterfront, and we rejoined for the last half-mile. No injuries, no drama, a safe night ride. As Ben said, The light rolls on through another year!

Link: Pittsburgh Orbit on Menorah Mobile's and what measures up.

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