Monday, October 3, 2016

CMU Bike Safety Survey Charade

Received a few emails and pokes suggesting I take a CMU Bike Safety Survey,
because: My Voice is Powerful!™ What a sucky charade. First there's terribly worded, incompatible questions.

These are not parallel questions. Pedestrians and Bikers are people. Cars, Buses, and Trucks are inanimate objects. For me, Cars, Buses and Truck DRIVERS are my problem. So I don't know how to answer that question; and when people don't know how to answer a question, you'll get both SA and SD's.

Another terrible question, where ambiguous wording left me unable to answer:

On some surveys, you can tell what the desired outcome is. For instance:

Unsurprisingly, it looks like the desired outcome is going to be pointed at the Objects and Vehicles, rather than the People, which completes the circle back to the bias demonstrated in the early question.

Remarkably, there aren't any questions about "should drivers have an App to help them stop killing bicyclists", or "should drivers have an App to tell them to slow down when they're speeding". This is about: building an App so we can blame the Victims that don't use the App.

As to what this cyclist does want, which was the last question they asked:

I need driver training.
I need, Cyclist Can Make Use of Full Lane message on signs, billboards, and in driver's heads.
I need speed limit enforcement.
I need 4-foot passing enforcement, using police and/or volunteers in passing-checks (just like speed-checks) as other cities do.
I need PennDOT to only consider projects complete when they provide for all road users, including cyclists.

This survey sucks. The people who asked cyclists to participate will lose credibility over supporting it. Did they ever proof-read this thing they asked me to spend time on? You can tell now what the outcome is going to be. It is a charade.

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