Saturday, August 20, 2016

Not an Accident

8.19.2016 35m
8.20.2016 6m
Aug mtd: 208 ytd:1372
Thursday I sat in on a trial of a driver for vehicular homicide while DUI, leaving the scene of an accident, and DUI. He had killed a cyclist close to where I live on Halloween, 2014. It was compelling to sit in the courtroom. The defense tried to poke holes in the prosecution's case, presented an expert witness to explain how it was the cyclist's fault, and claimed that since no rear reflector was found in the wreckage then there clearly wasn't a reflector on the bike.

The prosecutor was tremendous. He asked the expert witness, was the bike seat found in the debris? No. Do you think he rode without a seat? No. Oh, so not finding wreckage is different from it not being there. Then the prosecutor said, Do you think that the driver being intoxicated was a factor in the cyclist's death? The expert witness said: that's outside of the scope of my assignment. Nice guy, who established his credentials with being a LAB LCI.

Friday I drove with Karen to Meyersdale, PA. Climbed 8 miles to the Continental Divide, descended 8 miles to Frostburg MD, climbing a heart-breaking half-mile to Broadway and SHiFT, a farm-to-table foodery. OMG.

Karen had a corn-potato-OldBay soup, and I had chilled gazpacho. We both got salads. This is such a tremendous place. A bit of a climb up from the trailhead - I need to figure out a different approach. It doesn't seem necessary to start up on top of the mountain, descend to a point 500' below the main drag of Frostburg, then climb back up.

However, on the list of local supplies: Accident, MD?? Really? Can't we change that to Crash, MD or Collision, MD?

Rode back to Meyersdale. Found a voice message that the driver had been found guilty on all counts.

Stopped in Rockwood at the Rock House Inn. A completely different experience than the localvore chow we'd had for lunch, but we got pizza and wings and it was good. I'll eat there again.

Saturday, 8.20, rode 6 miles around Pittsburgh.

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