Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Arbiter of the Trail Binary

mtd:54 ytd:594
Camped overnight at Yough Canoe Outfitters. It was about 45F and heavy rain. I love my tent and my sleeping bad (both Big Bertha); I was warm and dry. There is a good deal of train noise and train whistling to be heard.

Woke up and the world was wet; went back to sleep. Pedalled over to the Chuckwagon for breakfast. Broke camp, rode back to the Waterfront.

Saw this sign in Boston, PA; not sure if it's a new offering or a legacy artifact.

Met Y and Paul, who were working on a small landslide below the Kennywood property. As we talked, an older gent on an electric scooter approached and rode by. The question of electric scooters on the trail sometimes comes up, and probably will come up more often until their use becomes mainstream.

Photo by Paul Heckbert

photo by Paul Heckbert

I think it's analogous to the few people in NC who stand around bathrooms, ensuring that individuals going into the bathrooms go into the one which they (the would-be arbiter of gender) think is the right one. I don't like those people, the self-appointed gender-binarists.

I'm going to apply the same guidelines to e-bikes and scooters on the trail. If they think they belong, then welcome to the trail. I don't think I'm the arbiter of who should be on what bike.

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