Thursday, November 5, 2015

New Sign, Same as it Ever Was

Nov 5, 2015 20m
Today was a gorgeous day, warm and sunny. I met my friend R down the hill from his house.

We checked out the Route 50/980 bridgework, which is All But Done. It's wonderful.

I was particularly intrigued by the sign, Bikes may use full lane, on a PennDot construction project. I take this to mean that this sign is in the inventory, and there's a criteria for using it. That's a great thing.

We rode out to where Farmhouse Coffee used to be. The new bridges on Valleybrook Road are so smooth. We stopped for coffees. Then we reversed and rode back to R's neighborhood.

We talked about a lot of things and it was a great time. I got home later in the afternoon and learned that another cyclist had been killed by a car in the Greater Metro area. Argghhh.

The media have already assumed it was the cyclists fault (it may be that he shifted into the rear wheels of the truck" and the local police have stated the driver did all that anybody could expect - he couldn't give the cyclist any more room because of oncoming traffic. Because we certainly can't expect drivers to wait until it's safe to pass.

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