Friday, August 7, 2015

Bike Wreck; Adios My LHT

8.7.2015 3m
I had a bike wreck. It was not an accident, it was a wreck.

I was riding south on the C&O Canal around MP31, south of White's Ferry. I was riding a bit fast because our party was intent on beating the rain to DC. The trail did have some muddy spots.

Rather than ride through the puddle, I rode to the right edge of the trail. The berm did not hold, and the mud gave way leaving me riding down the hill into the trees.

This was not an accident, which would mean something that Just Happened, not amenable to review or learning. It was a wreck caused by operator error, riding too fast for conditions, and GetHomeItIs on the last leg of a 6-day ride.

Fortunately I was riding with a worthy crew, who gathered around and examined all the places that the bike was bent. They were surprised that I was uninjured, but as Yukon Cornelius said long ago, Bumbles Bounce™.

This picture, with bricks attempting to present some Cartesian squareness, shows three points where the frame was distored: top tube, down tube, front fork.

This bike was awarded Best Antelope (for the best handlebar rig) and Best In Show at the 2014 Bike Beauty Contest thrown by Bike Pgh.

It has lived well, seen many things, and to the end discharged its duties in a most honorable manner, often exceeding expectations. Even after being harshly bent it still carried me another 35 miles to the destination.

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