Friday, April 10, 2015

Accepting Applications and Small Print

4.10.2015 248# 21m
I started today at the Bastille. Met Yale, Reggie, and Frank - three awesome cyclists - and got to talking. Talked with Frank about Pelee Island. Talked with Reggie and Frank about the overlap and distinctions between transient cyclists and homeless folks, which is a pet topic of mine.

Frank rode south and Yale & Reggie rode up to Observatory Hill, and I needed 20 minutes to putz with my stuff so I ended up riding solo. The trails around the Science Center and the baseball stadium were all flooded with high water.

Took the Riverfront Plaza around PNC Park then crossed the Roberto Clemente Bridge, with the new Roberto bike lane icons:

Just as important as the bridge bike lane are the sharrows and bike lane connection the Bridge with the Penn Ave Bike Lane:

Rode out the Penn Ave Bike Lane, went out to 35th and Charlotte to check on Jeremy Raymer's artwork. I think this one is new:

Rode up the cemetery, where I felt the winter's deconditioning. Rode outbound on Penn, only recently opened as a two-way street. I really appreciate the new curb bump-outs that mark it explicitly as a two-lane, not a four-lane, street.

Took Penn out to BabyLand*, turned right and took Friendship when I should have taken Ellsworth. So I took Ellsworth for a while, realized my mistake, started navigating cross-country.

Saw this artwork on the side of 608 South Millvale:

Intended to stop at Conflict Kitchen for chow but the queue was way too major. Went down the cobblestones (pave?) to Junction Hollow, enjoyed descending to the Jail Trail.

Inbound on the Jail Trail I encountered this advertisement, which I'd seen on social media but not IRL:

In the small print, dated today, was this clarification: I live in the woods at the top of the hill, I'm building my own house. I'm thinking there's about twenty dead Freds up there.

It was so good to be on the bike, and in weather that only required a t-shirt.

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