Friday, December 12, 2014

Fredmaste Unlocked

12/12/2014 16m 30F
I saw this yesterday in the LAMBLAS facebook group - a bike (Surly Ogre) rigged to tow another bike (Surly ECR, which I'm kind of interested in) :

This evokes an iconic StarWars visualization of Rule 34.

Ken Barker explained his photo:

The ECR is a fresh build for a now 4-bike Surly owner who doesn’t drive, rode the Ogre to pick up the new bike… the tow is a simple quick release bolted to the rear rack, had to move the wheel off the ECR to the Wald front rack on the Ogre as the extra weight back there makes its misbehave. The mounting is only for bike transport, you really need a lower attachment point for this to work properly as it tracks fine on straightaways but gets funky when turning. Had to throw the pic up on here due to the unique nature of this particular lean. -Peace

Fredmaste (which expresses, the bike geek in me recognizes the bike geek in you) Unlocked!

I immediately went to Google to find the mounting hardware. I foung a Delta Cycle Lockable Bike Hitch at REI on clearance for $13. SOLD. Looking forward to enhancing my Surly LHT with tow-bike capability.

Friday I went out and met RC at the east end of the Panhandle Trail in Walker's Mill. We rode west to the McDonald Trestle, and then reversed. The trail surface was a bit softer than I expected. Also, it was a tiny bit colder than forecast.

Saw this bike in a birdhouse garden on the Panhandle Trail. I'm much happier to see this than a Ghost Bike.

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