Sunday, July 20, 2014

Doughsants, Coffee, & OTB

7.20.2014 38m
Started at the Bastille with my wife Karen. About a mile into the ride, met S on the trail returning from OpenStreets and was able to return some of her gear from my van from last week's shuttle.

Back on the trail, around the stadia, out to the 40th Street Bridge. Crossed the Allegheny River, continued east out to the Oakmont Bakery. I have heard of cronuts before, but never doughsants which may be a trademark issue.

But a rose by any other name... They certainly do taste good. Oakmont Bakery also has some lovely little mini-eclairs. And bags that fit into front baskets.

Departed along Allegheny River Blvd, turned at One Wild Place and climbed up to Highland Park and Taza D'Oro which was closed when we went there on Friday. Our fortune was better today, and the coffee was great (as always). Came out and was unlocking our bikes, saw Danny Chew riding by with a buddy.

At Highland and Baum, saw a new presentation on The Last Billboard:

Rode over to Banker Supply, very impressive new shop. Crossed the Whole Foods -slash- EastSide footbridge over the Busway and took Ellsworth to Junction Hollow to SouthSide, and stopped at REI. Took advantage of the geography and went to OTB for dinner, and we lucked into seeing nascent Burgh cyclist Rick Sebak and also the crew from the day's Zodiac Alleycat, double yoi!

Great meal at OTB, then the Jail Trail and the Chateau Trail back to the waiting car which was still there. 38 miles.

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