Saturday, May 24, 2014

I Wish This Was . . .

5.24.2014 11m
Had a small window of opportunity to ride today, between other slices of life. Started at Millvale trailhead. I don't know why the restrooms are always locked there, but I saw a few people trying to figure it out.

Rode over the 40th Street Bridge, east along Butler Street and Allegheny River Blvd, to Highland Park and Tazzo D'Oro for coffee and pastry. Very, very good. Departed via Penn Ave, where I encountered the place where BabyLand used to be.

click to embiggen

The owner of the property wants to put an AutoZone on their land, and people in the neighborhood wish for: something else. I heard a phrase once, "wish in one hand and poop in the other, let me know how that works" or something like that. I'm pretty sure that ownership means, you get to do what you want - unless it requires a zoning variance, a tax break, etc, in which case it's all in play.

Anyway, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make my own preference known. I wish this was: a bike commuter station, with bike lockers, personal lockers, showers, work stands, parts for sale, and a bike shop.

Continued along Penn to the Cemetery, down to Butler, across the 40th Street Bridge, back to the car.

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