Thursday, May 15, 2014

Do Not Hump on the Steel Valley Trail

5.14.2014 #220 47m
Great day for cycling. Started at the Bastille on my road bike. Went to Point State Park, futzed around with my seat post for a while. Rode across the North Side.

Down across the South Side Trail to OTB, joined the PMTCC ride to McKeesport Marina. This was an excellent workout. My friend Mikhael-E has guns of steel, way impressive.

Saw these Norfolk Southern dormitory train cars next to the Steel Valley Trail, between the Phantom's Revenge and Duquesne's Grant Street. There were a few workers milling around outside.

In case you can't see it, the dormitory cars contain this behavioral proscription on the outside, which seems anachronistic in this modern day and age.

Those of us in the know, of course, realize the message refers to: do not send over a rail yard hump, a hill used to send cars rolling towards a set of electrically switched tracks, usually near a control tower, to sort individual cars into trains going in different directions.

So, the warning means: do not send this car with sleeping inhabitants over the rail yard hump.

We hope that former sailors will be forgiven for misunderstanding the message at first glance.

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