Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Gave up Headwinds for Lent

4/1/2014 #218 29m
A glorious weather day for bicycling. Started off overcast and chilly at about 35F, ended up clear blue sunny and 65F.

Started at the Bastille, rode out to see the new cones-and-rope barriers keeping cars off the trail at the Casino parking lots. It's extremely temp, as anything they came up with on short notice over a weekend would have to be. Happy to see it, would prefer to see something more permanent - a fence, plastic jersey barriers, etc. Rode around the Northside with R. for a while.

Met S at the Bastille. Rode out to the 40th St Bridge and over to Bike Pgh. Tough day to be inside an office. Rode over to Iron City Bikes so S could look at handlebar options.

Rode east on Butler and entered the cemetery. Saw six deer standing in the field, very nice.

Took Friendship across to Junction Hollow, down to the Jail Trail. Encountered a surprisingly strong headwind where I was expecting a tailwind. I'm not sure who the Patron Saint of Tailwinds is but I need to find out. I gave up headwinds for Lent.

That's the way I am; for months I'm griping about frozen water bottles and then it turns to 65F and I'm all like, what's with the wind? If the wind went away I'd be all about, how come the trailhead doesn't have wifi-N?

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