Monday, February 17, 2014

Homestead, Braddock, Turtle Creek, Rankin

2/17/2014 #220 11m 32F
It was a good day to ride, a strong wind out of the south and bright blue skies. I started riding from the Pump House at the Waterfront, pre-positioning for a subsequent meeting.

Departed the Waterfront on 837 South and crossed the Rankin Bridge into Braddock, and rode down to Library Ave and the Braddock Cafe. I asked the young cook what's the best thing he makes and he suggested the buffalo chicken pizza so I said, please make me one, and it was very, very good.

I've just started re-reading Bill Metzger's book on the GAP and the history of Braddock and Turtle Creek so I decided to ride out to Turtle Creek. Departed Braddock eastbound and took this picture of the Westinghouse Bridge. A lot of people pass over it, I'm not sure how many pass under it.

Then I continued further along for a while through East Pittsburgh and into Turtle Creek. Reversed back into Braddock and climbed up into Rankin. I took this photo of the Carrie Furnace site, from the Palisades Manor housing project in Rankin, looking across the Carrie Furnace, with the blue Marcegaglia Steel facility across the river in the background.

Rode back to the Pump House, then drove over to attend a meeting of the Steel Valley Trail Council BoD. It was an honor to meet the good people who've done such awesome work in completing and maintaining the trails.

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