Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Soupaneur 4: Kelly O's

12/18/2013 14m 28F 214#
Started on a colder day at the Bastille. Attempted to use the Chateau Trail but it was pretty icy, so S and I took to the roads.

Stopped at Market Square, looking for a geegaw. Rode south to Tustin Street to check out Sir Samelot. Reversed on Fifth, back into town. Pulled over for an overtaking fire truck with sirens blasting, only to see an ambulance on a cross-street on a DAT (dead-ass-tie). They just about got together in the intersection, which would have been messy.

A few blocks later we saw they were tending to a pedestrian knocked down in a crosswalk by a car. Before the first-responders got there, one person was tending to the fallen pedestrian, and two people were comforting the driver.

Stopped at Kelly O's in the Strip for Soupaneur Four. I had the Turkey Pot Pie Soup, which was excellent. Creamy goodness, meat, mondo-comfort food.

Stopped in the Strip District to run an errand, then crossed the 16th Street Bridge (ahem, the McCollough Bridge) to the North Side. Stayed on the streets until we got close to the baseball stadium, then we joined the trails.

A great ride and a demonstration of the effectiveness of good clothing on a cold day.

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