Thursday, November 14, 2013

Coffeeneur 9, First Money, Artisanal Bread

11/14/2013 #215 21m
Met S. and R. at the Bastille around 1330, late enough in the day that the morning ice had melted and the sun had warmed up the world quite a bit.

Today was a multi-mission day, and the first mission was artisanal bread™, so we rode to Market Square and Mancini's and R. obtained a loaf. Next mission was some sort of Burgh tchotchkes, so we stopped at the Cultural District and chased those down.

We continued out to Lawrenceville and in search of the Squirrel Convergence mural which we've heard was somewhat blocked by new construction. In fact, the view of the mural is quite obscured by the new building, which houses the new Lawrenceville location of Iron City Bikes. Wow.

Nice looking shop, they were in the middle of a "soft opening", still stocking and unpacking. Really chill shop-dog. Nice guys. Extremely impressed to see Colin Albright from Squirrel Hill Pro-Bikes setting up the inventory control system, yes that Colin. He is such an impressive person, and he went to lengths to explain that he was happy at ProBikes but liked the challenge of setting up an inventory system from Day-Zero. Great guy.

Looked around and saw that they had a gizmo I've been searching for and didn't even know what it's called, a helmet blinky light that shows white in the front and red in the rear. Turns out it's a Topeak Headlux helmet light, and I bought it on the spot. The boss said, I guess this is our first sale in the new location, which called for a picture.

And that was very cool. We note that there's a coffee shop across the street from the new location, naturally, Continued riding east, and in about a block we also saw the new location of Love Bikes. (who we also think is awesome.) Two new shops in close proximity; awkward. I guess they're pursuing different niches; I hope they place nice together.

Continued along Butler Street to La Gourmandie for some even more artisanal bread, and then we considered that mission accomplished.

Reversed course and stopped at 21st Street Coffee and Tea, which of course is at 20th Street. Being Thursday and our official RDO, this constitutes our 9th Coffeeneur Trip of 2013 out of the 7 required.

Attempted twice to join the Convention Center trail but each attempt was futile due to subsequent trail closures, so we joined Duquesne Blvd to Blvd of the Allies and the Smithfield Street Bridge. The 4th Street track crossing was closed, so #SmarterPeopleThanMyself navigated us to ThickBikes where they made purchases - tyres, overshoes, and various sundries.

Back on the trail in the gloaming darkness, rode over the Ft. Pitt Bridge while looking at the gridlocked automobiles, and then back to the Bastille to the #CarsThatWereStillThere. A most satisfying ride.

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