Saturday, August 31, 2013

Rivendell's Betty Foy Mixte (aka Yves Gomez) If you can't be with the bike you ride, ride the one you're with

8/30/2013 22m
I've been off the bike for eight days because I've been traveling, but today I was treated to the loan of a Rivendell Betty Foy bicycle, which is of the mixte design family.

I got to visit the Rivendell facility in Walnut Creek, CA. It's a very cool place and the people there are very impressive: bright, focused, but not intent on selling the bike. If you want one they'll sell it to you, but they're not salesfolks on commission. Very cool vibe.

The Rivendell bike-fit philosophy is driven by a measurement called the PBH (pubic bone height). They have a really high-tech platform that you stand on for optimal alignment, and then they measure your PBH:

This is such a nice looking bike, which is true of all the Rivendells. The great attraction of the mixte for me is that as I get even older (I do qualify for a lot of restaurant discounts as it it) I suspect it's going to become less fun to hitch a leg over the seat, rear rack, and trunk bag. I think a mixte might be the way to go.

The mixte isn't quite as easy-access as the classic step-through but the mixte does seem to bring a stronger geometry to the table. Anyway, this is the bike I road today, in front of Palo Alto High School:

I rode it 22 miles, from Redwood City to the former NAS Moffett (KNUQ). This is a really nice riding bicycle. I'm enjoying the wider (comfy) tires (which is consistent with the Rivendell philosophy) and I'm really enjoying the big handlebars.

It was really nice to ride again after eight days without.

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