Saturday, July 27, 2013

Newb Rider Obligatory Wound Porn

7/27 5m #245
Kind of a short, goat-rope ride that turned out OK.

Started with three non-proficient riders on the Montour Trail at TandemConnection, rode toward FarmHouseCoffee. At the descent to the Valley Brook Road at-grade crossing, there's a sign that says "Walk Your Bike".

Oh no, I did not set a good example for my three fledglings - no, I just slowed down and descended. Until I heard that bike clatter and the impact-grunt. Not a life-threatening wound but a bit of a gash that would take four stitches to close. Tried to take a megapixel zoomed-in picture of the wound, got this:

And I'm not exactly sure of what's going on in that picture, but there is a need for obligatory wound porn.

I left them to go back and get the vehicle, and of course the skies opened with an unexpected downpour. Now my charges are injured, stranded, and soaked. If I were giving myself Amazon-type feedback as a ride leader it would be pretty harsh.

Fortunately, the bike is OK, and I think they'll ride again. Not the outing we had planned. My takeaway is: you really do need to continually think about taking care of low-time riders.

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