Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Priory Bakery, Zeke's Coffee and Linda the Trail Goddess

5/21/2013 37M
Great day for a ride. Started at the Bastille, rode to Deutschtown and visited the Priory Bakery, which was prompted by learning that the Priory businesses are a business sponsor of BikePgh.

The Priory Bakery is awesome. Coffee, lattes, pastries pastries pastries.

Departed the Priory Bakery, took a look at the works-in-progress along the North Shore trail. The surface is much improved and I think people are going to like it. Crossed the 40th Street Bridge, and rode uphill in the Allegheny Cemetary which is very pleasant. Rode mostly east through Friendship to East Liberty.

This sculpture, Joy of Life by Pittsburgh's Virgil Cantini, has long been a favorite of mine, and this was the first time I saw it with the fountain operating, it looked great on a sunny morning.

Stopped at Zeke's Coffee to see the increasingly famous Coffee Bike, which they use to bring coffee out to various construction sites and office centers. It's an awesome bike and I covet the kickstand a little bit.

Rode to Oakland hoping to score a snack at Waffallonia but they weren't open yet, so we descended the Junction Hollow trail down to the Swinburne Street trailhead and crossed the Hot Metal Bridge, and rode through the new trails at Keystone Metals and Sandcastle (love love love it).

Stopped at the Pump House and we were very fortunate to meet Trail Goddess Linda Box and trail Project Manager Jack Paulich, who were about to take their own first bike rides on the new trail section and check for gaps in the signage. It was a real treat to get to thank them in person for their efforts, it's kind of like passing through Rome and bumping into the Pope.

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