Monday, April 15, 2013

Natchez Trace Bike Trip: Kosciusko to Choctaw Agency

60 miles
The campground in Kosciusko is adjacent to the National Park Service vehicle compound. I mention this because when we asked locals for direction it seemed very difficult to describe for them, but if you stay on the trail and take the service road exit for the Kosciusko District Facility you'll see a small camping icon-sign by a path into the woods, and there you'll find the campground.

It was a very nice, primitive site with a water supply. The floor of the outhouse (which looked very much like a Cool Hand Luke sweat-box) had rusted away, so if you needed that facility I think you'd be pedaling off into town which is quite close.

This is what my sleeping rig looked like:

It was a cool night but not cold, and this was a good campground. We broke camp a bit early, which was something that has eluded us all week, and departed southbound. There isn't a lot of variety in the countryside, but at MP120 we stopped at the River Bend trailhead to see a huge body of water which is actually a reservoir.

It's a beautiful, tranquil scene and we enjoyed a few quiet, holistic minutes until a few local fisher-folk caught a poisonous snake on their hook. From an outsider's perspective, remarkable stupidity followed until the snake got tired of scaring them and returned to the water. At least, they think it did.

Camped at the Rocky Springs campground which was very nice. This was a warm evening that didn't call for sleeping bags. Some local residents found a small bag of our oatmeal and grapefruit and seemed to enjoy them mightily.

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