Friday, March 29, 2013

Holy Angels Fish Ride

3.29.13 26M
Nice day for a Good Friday ride.

Started at the Bastille at 1230 with S. and R. Rode through uptown to check on Sir Samelot, but no Easter decorations. Crossed the Birmingham Bridge and rode through Keystone Metals; I was surprised that there wasn't more progressed on the trail through there.

Turned inland at Keystone Metals and went to Holy Angels in Hays for Friday Fish Lunch, boy what an operation. A packed auditorium and they run it like a chow hall, very efficient and very friendly. Very very good food. Saw several other bicyclists there from the Bike-Pgh crew, it was nice to see fellow cyclists out.

I realized we had missed our opportunity for Fish'aneuring, an activity that calls for cycling to eat church fish on Lenten Fridays, but we'll be emotionally prepared for next year.

Rode through Sandcastle southbound, noticed a lot of work that had been done for the trail. One of the wooden perimeter walls by the waterslide had been moved a few feet back to make room for the trail.

Continued to Eat N'Park Corporate Headquarters in the Waterfront, where Diner-Saurus graces the lobby:

Reversed course, stopped by MP5 north of Keystone Metals and got to see an eagle circling and eventually landing in the trees near their nearby nest. Magnificent bird.

Continuing north on the Baldwin Borough Trail, had a somewhat disconcerting mechanical in which I was unable to disengage my left foot from my left pedal, it was stuck quite permanently in there. Rode over to REI, took my foot out of the shoe-pedal-bike assembly, they were very helpful. One of the two retaining bolts had disappeared into the ether, so the pivot-and-exit maneuver was not possible. A bit of wrenching and I was back on course, they were very helpful.

We went over to Big Dog Coffee to plan Great Strategies for an upcoming ride. R. was surprised to see another Rivendell parked out front, a very nice Hunqapillar (three bars in the front triangle, as opposed to the rear triangle like a mixte) with a Pitt sticker on it. The odds of seeing two Rivendells in front of one coffee shop in Pittsburgh are rather slight.

Back on the trail, saw a few of the BikePgh lunch cohort returning from McKeesport, continued across the Ft. Pitt and Ft Duquesne Bridges to the Bastille. A very pleasant ride, 26 miles.

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