Saturday, January 12, 2013

Too Warm for a Windbreaker

1/12/13 35M 60F
Springtime in mid-January, 60F on a day when the primary weather issue was fog generated by melting snow in a low-wind condition. It was a tremendous day.

I had originally planned to meet BH for a ride around McKeesport but that vision fell apart on my side. Late in the day I had a chance to get on the bike, so I scooted from the Res down to the ice hockey facility on Neville Island and back.

It's a nice simple ride, 35 miles today. I finished in twilight and then darkness and it was my first time using my new-to-me headlight, a MagicShine knockoff. I bought it used from a cyclist on the BikePgh forum who had upgraded to better equipment.

One driver in an opposite direction pickup gave me some feedback that the headlight was too bright (by yelling "asshole" while shielding his eyes with one hand), and I guess I did have it pointed up a bit too much and I adjusted it.

It is an effective blinkie though. In fact, rather than being a true on-off blinkie I think it's continually on the low setting and intermittently blinks on the high setting. It's a nice light. It's the first time in a long time that I've had a great front light and a great rear light during the winter months.

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