Saturday, September 1, 2012

August Closeout; Seasons Change

9/01/12 0# 232m
Went to the hardware store and found that Lowes has declared that summer is over, it's time to move on and buy autumnal stuff now.

As I think about it, change is supposed to be hard but the retail industry is very good at selling change. You bought your baggy shorts and Teva sandals? Hey, it's fall - windbreakers and rakes and Holloween! And Thanksgiving! And Christmas!

In fact, while "we're" supposed to be change-resistant, I wonder if our consumer-society isn't change dependent. Would the economy be different in a place with one season, or in a culture without holidays where people just, you know, lived?

Anyway, it's September and it must be Fall. I saw a high school football game Friday night, and now Lowe's is selling ghoulish skeletal lawn ornaments. Any anthropologists out there?

A few items I found interesting:

Some thoughts on the end of August and the ostensible end of summer.
  • My total mileage at the end of the week/month is 4505, so in 9 months I've ridden the same mileage as in all of 2011.
  • 4505 miles in 245 days = 18.4 miles/day
  • Projecting to 12/31, a full year at 18.4 miles/day is 6700 miles/year

I had originally wagged a goal of 7000 miles for my first year of retirement. There wasn't any science or concept to it, it was just a conceit. I'll be happy at 6000 miles. It would be cool to hit 7000 miles.

The reality is: it would be great to keep riding my bike and avoid injury.

   Sept 1, 2012 Week 35
this week:
146 miles
  238#  3rd Qtr 1487 miles  
2012: 4505 miles

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