Saturday, August 18, 2012

New Wheels and More Murals

08/18/12 240# 44m
This was a magnificent morning - clear skies, cool temps, light wind. When I met S. at 0615 at the Bastille, the temp was around 60F, not bad at all for mid-August.

While the ride-plan was to see a few murals, another interest in today's ride for me was my first chance to ride on my new wheels, which my LBS had put on the bike for me on Thursday. I'm very pleased with them, more in a later post.

From the Bastille we rode around the North Side, stopping at the Heinz complex to see the mural at the Sarah Heinz House, Northside, Pittsburgh PA:

The 31st Street Bridge has been removed, so we continued to the 40th Street Bridge and crossed the Allegheny River, and then we found The Kaleidoscope Cafe at 108 43rd St, Lawrenceville, Pittsburgh:

In the same neighborhood we spotted a Shepard Fairey mural on top of Crazy Mocha in Lawrenceville:

Sergeant Electric Mural, Mosaic Tile, 3424 Liberty Ave. This building was originally owned by Sergeant Electric, the story goes, which explains the key-kite-lightning theme, and the river-dynamo-hydroelectric powering the factory theme, and the electric outlet background. Curiously, the building now houses Union Orthotics and Prosthetics.

Shepard Fairey mural on Tito Way in the Cultural District:

This mural is on the Ft. Duquesne Blvd facade of the Byham Theater, by Mr. Haas:

Mural, 1200 East Carson Street, Southside, Pittsburgh PA:

These street names and signs demanded a picture. Uxor, from uxorious, to be fawning or overly submissive to one's wife, which is one of my top-five favorite words of all time. To find Uxor juxtaposed with Breed Street is too much; someone had to enjoy this.

The LunaSea (sound it out, Lunacy) Day Spa has a mural, too:

"Summer Harvest Goddess", 2008 by Carolyn Kelly, at 1800 East Carson Street, Southside:

House painting at Rebecca Street and Peebles Street in Wilkinsburg:

From Wilkinsburg we rode South Braddock to Frick Park. The entrance to the park is a steep descent and I was really pleased with the braking effectiveness of the new wheels and the adjusted brakes. We took Nine Mile Trail and Duck Hollow Trail to Second Avenue, where we met Dan who we'd met on a recent memorial ride.

At 5001 Second Ave. in Hazelwood, we found this tribute to Mr. Herbert P. Douglas, a graduate of Allderdice High School. The work was done by Heather White in 2006. Mr Douglas was an Olympian (bronze, 1948) and both a Pitt alumni (B.S. '48, M.Ed. '50) and Trustee.

44 miles, an interesting ride, and magnificent weather. And I love my new wheels.

src="" border=0 title="200 mile week" width=50 height=50>    Aug 18, 2012 Week 31
this week:
206 miles
  236#  3rd Qtr 1146 miles  
2012: 4164 miles

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