Saturday, July 28, 2012

Goldfinches, Ribbon Cutting, White Lightning, and Gimme Shelter

07/28/12 238# 65m
Rode 65 miles on the Montour Trail, starting at MP0 in Groveton. There had been a lot of rain overnight and this portion of Montour Run (a creek) was fast-moving and swollen. Between MP4 and MP6 we flushed out a series of flocks of goldfinches, it was really impressive.

At Boggs we saw a few more riders who were heading out to the bridge dedication. It was a nice ride, at times misty and at other times a light drizzle, and sometimes dry. The surface was moist which slowed things down a little bit.

We got to the location for the 1200 ceremony, between the two new bridges at 1140. General milling about and hobnobbing prevailed and then the proceedings were called to order. I was pleased to get to meet world-famous trail activist and organic gardner Troy Bogdan.

There were a lot of people who helped get these two bridges and the trail wanted to recognize them, each speaker was brief but it did take a little bit of time - but they got us two new bridges, and took the bikes out of a fairly hazardous intersection, so we were happy to hang out for it.

I was favorably surprised to see a local pizza shop, Burgh Pizza of Bridgeville, present a check for $27K to the trail board, it seems they run an annual fund-raiser; that's impressive.

After the ceremony we rode further to trailside FarmHouse Coffee, where I indulged in their new concoction called a White Lightning: a quad-espresso with white chocolate over ice, it was really excellent.

Back on the bikes, we made good time under dry skies but encountered rain at MP20, and took shelter for a while at MP17. After the lightning passed we waited a few more minutes and then continued.

The rain picked up again at MP9 and we set a fast pace for the Enlow Tunnel, and spent about a half-hour there waiting for the thunder and lightning to move away. It got a bit chilly in the tunnel. After a while, we set off in a light drizzle to complete the ride. Not surprisingly, we had the trail pretty much to ourselves.

65 miles and a very nice day, with two new bridges to celebrate. Not bad at all.

   July 28, 2012 Week 28
this week:
188 miles
  238#  3rd Qtr 634 miles  
2012: 3652 miles

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