Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bridge Building

07/18/12 238# 43m
Started out at Boggs at 0600 with S in an attempt to beat the heat and the expected thunderstorms. Rode southwest to world-famous Farmhouse Coffee where today's treats included a big iced tea and a slice of quiche lorraine. Mondo excellent and departed cooled off and with bottles filled with ice water.

This trail ride has two interruptions, one at the Route 50 crossing and another dual-hump crossing at Morganza Road and Georgetown Road, and the latter is about to be replaced with two brand new bridges. Took this photo of the work being done on the Georgetown Road bridge, crews installing the side railings:

It's going to be a tremendous improvement for the bicyclists when these bridges open, and probably also for the cagers automobilists that have been sharing the road with crossing bicyclists.

1 comment:

  1. Your treats sound wonderful ... as does the bridge (under construction). :) Nice to see these things happening.
