Saturday, July 7, 2012

Boggs to Farm House Coffee to Groveton

7/7/12 241# 65m

First, something that really matters: Bill Strengthening Hit-and-Run Penalties Signed Into Law. The PA Governor has signed legislation increasing the penalty for a fatal hit-and-run accident to at least equal the penalty for a fatal drunk-driving accident, removing a perverse incentive for DUI drivers to leave the scene of an accident rather than stop and render assistance. Very nice!

Started riding from Boggs westbound with S. at 0630, met R. at MP~18 a little later, rode through the National Tunnel and stopped to check the two new bridges at Morganza Rd and Georgetown Rd, which I've read will be formally open on July 28. Some riders may (or may not) have taken the opportunity to make sure the bridge could hold their weight.

Continued to world-famous Farm House Coffee, stopping for their chocolate chip ice cream and assorted beverages. FHC is always an excellent stop.

Back on the bikes and rode westbound, conscious of the increasing heat and glad to ride through the cool National Tunnel again.

R departed our company at Route 50, I left S at the Boggs trailhead and continued east to Groveton. I was a bit disappointed that the Enlow Station was closed, I had planned on obtaining some cold drinks there but the water fountain at the ballfield was working.

After reversing at Groveton eastbound I think I mini-bonked around MP5, it took me a very long time to get from MP5 to Boggs / MP11.5. I think I had eaten enough for the planned 40-mile ride but didn't eat enough for the extra few miles I tacked on.

Sixty-five miles on a hot day. How hot? The handlebars were hot. Saw a few deer and some other unusual critters, it may be that the heat and drought are causing problems for them, too.

   July 7, 2012 Week 25
this week:
152 miles
  244#   3rd Qtr 152 miles
2012: 3168 miles

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