Thursday, June 14, 2012

Coffee and Bridges and Trails Oh My

06/14/12 240# 32m
Rode 32 miles along the Montour Trail from McDonald to trailside FarmHouseCoffee in McMurray with S and R.

A recent post discussed the new rail tracks being set in place north of Venice / Route 50 and how they're being assembled into seamless track. Stopped and spoke to some very nice folks on a work crew today and learned the technique is called CWR, Continuous Welded Rail. Amazing stuff that people do.

Further along the trail, just north of the Route 50 staircase, we were surprised to see a train on the new tracks adjacent to the trail. The train was delivering the gravel being used in the rail bed.

Continued riding to world-famous FarmHouse Coffee. We've been agitating for them to carry chocolate chip ice cream and today they had it, so that's what I ordered. Totally excellent.

Back on the trail and stopped by the new bridge, just about to be commissioned, over Georgetown Road.

It looks like the bridges themselves (Georgetown Rd and Morganza Rd) are complete except for the side railings, but there's still a major work in progress on the small trail segment between the two bridges.

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