Friday, May 25, 2012

Durabond Bypass and Nancy B's Bakery

05/25/12 246# 46m
First, must be said: Seven months until Christmas. You're welcome.

Forecast called for "hot", so I started at the Bastille at 0700 with S. Rode the Escape From Pittsburgh initial segment of the Pittsburgh-DC ride, from Point State Park via Hot Metal Bridge and SandCastle parking lot to Boston PA. This was a recon run in anticipation of a ride with out-of-tahners in a few weeks n'at.

Inevitably, in the vicinity of the McKeesport Marina we had two encounters with transient riders trying to discern the route and realizing René Magritte's wisdom that "the map is not the terrain". One was a solo rider from DC to Pittsburgh, the other was a couple riding from Homestead to Perryopolis and beyond.

Rode to the Durabond bypass and then reversed. Riding through the Waterfront we departed the commercial oasis via Amity Street to Seventh Street, and made our way through the real Homestead to 415 Seventh Street, the location of world-famous Nancy B's bakery. It is possibly the ultimate realization of the "hole in the wall" joint with fantastic food, and their Chocolate Chip Cookie was voted "Best in the Burgh".

It was the best chocolate chip cookie I've ever had. The raspberry pastry was wonderful, too. This is not a venti-skinny-vanilla-latte place, although there is a coffee pot; it seems like they do one thing very, very well. It is now an established Bike Ride Destination.

Being in Homestead on Seventh Ave. (actually, at the Seventh Ave - Eighth Avenue - Route 837 confluence) gave us a chance to review the Route 837 contingency route to Keystone Metals, and boy does that remind one how nice it is to be able to ride through the Sandcastle Parking lot.

Hot Metal Bridge, Jail Trail, was "seen by" G. (front man of hot local band Radio Cargo) at Grant Street. Crossed the Ft. Duquesne Bridge. Passed by the restaurants on the NorthSide.

At the Jerome Bettis Grill there was an older couple taking pictures of each other, so I pulled over and offered to take a picture of them together. They gladly handed me their camera-phone and I thought, Man what a great way to steal a phone. Took the photo and returned the phone, back on the bike, back to the Bastille by noon.

I was glad we got out early because it was already quite warm at 1200. An excellent recce ride, and an absolute find in Nancy B's Bakery.

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