Friday, April 13, 2012

Lake Arthur Bike Trail, Moraine State Park

04/13/12 247# 15m
It's been too long an interruption in my riding. I had a period between midday events and dinner with my son north of town, so I carried my bike along (yes, on the car) and stopped at Moraine State Park and rode the paved bike trail.

It's very nice - paved, signed, rest rooms and water, and tremendous views of the lake. I could see how it might be much more populated in the summer months. At the west end of the trail, there's a bike rental concession.

I saw two inline skaters, several couples on hybrid bikes, a few solo riders including some road bikes, a few clusters of parents with kids on bikes, and one man with a Segway rigged with off-road tires (that was a bit of a surprise).

It's a very nice park and trail, I hope they extend it all the way around the lake someday.

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