Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bicycle Prozac

04/25/12 39m
Rode 39 miles on a beautiful, mild day.

Started early at the Bastille. Rode with four panniers in hope of getting some experience carrying a full load. Got past the stadia and noticed crowds for the baseball doubleheader, rode to Point State Park and over to Station Square, then rode to South Side.

Stopped at Thick Bikes looking for an Ortlieb "rack pack but (alas) they didn't have one. I need some (waterproof) way to carry a sleeping pad which is 25" wide. They did have the spec sheet for the rack pack, and it looks like my sleeping pad is too wide for it so the Search continues. They do have an awesome bike shop, lots of cool gear and great bikes.

In the front of the shop they had an amazing collection of new bikes in a small space, including some with no-rack frame packs, and one bike with a East End Brewing Company growler mounted on the front fork with a very cool Salsa Anything Cage. Three mechanics busy working in the back, including a lady wrench which is nice to see. A very impressive bike shop.

Rode south to Keystone Metals, walked along the tracks to the {open} Sandcastle Gate, and into the Waterfront complex. Stopped at Starbucks for a snack, took a picture.

Continued south to the Riverton Bridge, then reversed back north and through Sandcastle again. I really appreciate SC's flexibility in tolerating bicycle traffic until the dedicated trail is open, it is great to be able to ride through there. Rode to South Side Works and almost took a bike nap. Looks like final preparations are being made prior to opening the new plaza with the Rhythm and Flow celebration, 6-8 pm, Thursday May 3rd.

It was a great day for a ride. A ride like this is like Prozac for me, all happy thoughts and smile faces.

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