Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bike Rebates, Boats, and Butterflies

03/22/12 241# 0m
No riding to write of. I took on a software project and I needed to actually spend large blocks of time on it and accomplish and deliver. (check, done)

But a few bike things of note. Oh, oh, the REI people sent my rebate and a coupon, and as fast as you can say Ortlieb you know I placed an order for panniers and a sleeping pad, 20% off each.

Saw this totally awesome photo at SheBicycles:

and I thought that was the most awesome thing the day could bring me - Surly, double kickstand, boat! - until I checked out the Bike-Pgh forum, as is my wont while waiting for my code to compile, and this is just the most awesome high-viz bike gear I've ever seen:

This is, of course, the Bike Butterfly, a product developed by Corke Wallis, and I am in awe of the breadth of his vision (and wingspan). While this photo does focus on their 'Wiz Kalifa' model in Pittsburgh black-and-gold, other interesting treatments are also available on their website.

I totally would ride with one of those, even if it is somewhat reminiscent of The Tick's sidekick, Arthur the Moth, and even if his winged suit was a metaphor for his unrealized yearnings.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic. Awesome. I love that bike butterfly. Spot on re: Arthur, as an aside.
