Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wrenching Results: Mounting Rear Lights

02/04/12 #237 0m
I am not a good mechanic but I do enjoy wrenching and find great satisfaction in those events when I accomplish small results without permanent damage, resorting to professionals, or trips to the emergency room.

My Jannd Expedition Rack does not offer a mounting platform for a rear light - which would be insufficient anyway, as I wanted to mount two rear lights.

I am enamored of both the Cateye TLD1100 and the PDW Radbot1000 and so to use them both I kludged a DIY solution using seatpost mounts and PVC pipe (see photo at left). This was a completely functional and yet decidedly inelegant solution that was completely discordant with the LHT aesthetic.

In fact, it was a cry for help, a call for intervention, and I could ignore it no longer.

I found out that on their respective websites, both Cateye and PDW offer "small parts" that offer alternative rear rack mounting options, so I ordered rear mounts and then faced the problem of how to affix them both to the Jannd racks.

Inevitably, Google had the solution to my problems and when I searched images for "L-shaped support brackets" I came upon the image to the left, which was obviously a rear bicycle light support bracket that somebody had re-purposed as a curtain rod bracket.

These brackets were not too expensive, strong, and black (all good) and with a bit of hacksawing and drilling and just a few hand-to-head moments, I had usable brackets to mount above and below my rack. Also, I learned that the ubiquitous and universal bike bolts are "M5 .8", knowledge of which pleases me greatly.

One factor in the change is that the seatpost mounts allow you to rotate the light to ensure a truly vertical alignment, while the rear rack mounts require that the bracket/rack combo deliver the correct angle. Fortunately, we were OK on that.

The new install is stronger and less likely to fail, weighs less, is less conspicuous, and offends the sensibilities sucks less.

   2/04/12 Week 5    this week:
67 miles
   1st Qtr 308 miles
2012: 308 miles
Weight: Sun:236 Sat:237 Trend: BAD

1 comment:

  1. Those hooks look like they may be useful for attaching or mounting other things to a rack, too, I'll have to go check them out.
