Thursday, January 26, 2012

Shit Cyclists Say: Noise and Signal

01/26/12 #233 0m
One of the barriers to any new activity involving equipment is the jargon, which starts off as words to describe that which must be described but morphs (for some) into social code-words that signify standing.

When you begin with the activity you hear the words and you try to figure them out, and you refrain from using them until you're sure what they mean, and you read lists of "widget cycling terms".

And the problem with is that among certain people a certain portion of their speech is just bullshit. If you're listening to a word stream seeking knowledge, how do you know what's noise (bullshit) if it's indistinguishable from the signal?

And so, with that intro, this excellent YouTube on Shit Cyclists Say, which starts with the universal "intro to a sad story", I was just riding along...

Drivers say, I was just driving along when...
Pilots say, I was just flying around when...
Bicyclists say, I was just riding along when...