Saturday, January 7, 2012

27 Miles with Grupetto Pittsburgh on Cecil Roads

1/07/12 27m 50F

The first mentionable, I suppose, is: Why didn't I ride on Friday, 50F and beautiful, and invited to two different interesting rides? Because I sliced my finger open and needed to go to the Emergency Room and get three stitches, and they told me No Bicycle Riding until Saturday, and I'd missed the rides. Arrggghhhh!

However, I did glomm some latex gloves for my bike kit (always useful when changing tires) and the good-spirited staff gave me a Bedazzle bandage and three stickers (including a Scooby Doo) to cheer me up.

Rode 27 miles on roads in Washington County with MeetUp's Gruppetto Pittsburgh. Seven riders: myself and R, J, B, K, P, and B. Everybody was using road bikes, except for R and myself on touring bikes.

Scenery looked like this:

This was a very nice route, a few hills but that can't be avoided around here. It was a well-conducted event, everybody knew what they were doing, and the ride turned out to be exactly what was described in the pre-ride brief. Nobody got dropped, nobody got lost, nobody got pissed off. Nicely done.

This GPS track of the ride is not very accurate, I didn't get a very good recording and so I've edited it but I don't really know the countryside around there.

At one time the route skirted the Panhandle Trail, and at a few other times we were within sight of the Montour Trail. It looks like quite a bit of work going on for the new rail-with-trail between Route 50 and McDonald.

The roads were generally light traffic, and when we did encounter cars they were very copacetic. We saw one big deer bound across the road in front of us, and one dog named Bear wanted to come play with us on a country road.

27 miles, my longest ride of 2012 so far.

Week 1
65 miles
   1st Qtr
65 miles
65 miles
9.3 m/day

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