Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Droopy Tail Lights, Tall Touring Bike

10/18/11 #235 23m
Another beautiful day, I rode in the city (and shorter) because of the logistics of the day. Started at the Bastille (Western Pen.), took the above photo (more here), rode around the Casinos to the 31st Street Bridge, took the Strip Trail to the Point, the Mon Whorf and the Jail Trail to Swinburne Street, and rode up Panther Hollow to get a bit of a climb in.

Reversed and descended, time was an issue so I stayed on the same side of the river and returned via the Jail Trail and the Ft. Duquesne bridge. 23 miles and no casualties.

I've had a problem with drooping tail-lights, I begin the day with them mounted horizontally and by the end of the ride the vibration and bouncing has them rotated to an ineffective position (see photo below).

Since the two lights are from different manufacturers but display the same problem, it must be something that I've been doing wrong.

I posed my question on BikeForums and got a lot of good advice. I went to Loew's and got some #8 external lock washers and placed them between the adjustable grip plates, and so far that seems to have done the trick.

Riding home in the car on Route 65, I saw a bicyclist riding into the city on a tall bike loaded with four panniers, first time I've seen a tall touring bike.

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