Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Diabetes by the Numbers

Wed 06/15/11 #221

Went to see my Endocrinologist today, a routine visit. if you have health insurance, when you get diabetes you get an Endocrinologist. A lot of the diabetes thing is about numbers - are they in the range, which way are the numbers trending?

I'm told that for diabetics, the key numbers are the ABC's - A for HbA1c, B for Blood Pressure, C for Cholesterol.
They tell me my numbers are moving in a good direction.

It's always a good thing when they don't give you the speech about cutting your toes off.

No riding today. I was getting ready to ride and it took on the feeling of a rote obligation; I don't want to burn out or get turned off, so I took the day off. Strictly affective behavior; the body was willing but the spirit was weak.

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