Monday, August 30, 2010

Mon 8/30

0930 two eggs, toast
1400 apple
1900 three street tacos, chips and salsa

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sun 8.29

1630 apple
1930 dinner: two cheeseburger patties, soy beans, 2 slices bread

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sat 8/28

0900 breakfast: two yogurts
1300 lunch: four slices pizza
1600 ride: 26.1 miles, trail, 1h56min, Enlow-Boggs-Groveton-Enlow
felt really good. Ate four SnackWell cookies, one pack PopTarts, two honey packets
END OF WEEK BIKE MILEAGE: 62 miles this week, 849 miles this year

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fri 8/27

1130 Blood Pressure 125/88 p 73 Blood Sugar 114 mg/dl
1200 bowl of egg drop soup
1500 big lunch: chicken, shrimp, rice
1600 rode 20.6 boggs-oakdale felt good
ate at subway 6" flatbread
1900 BP 133/83 P101
2030 late dinner: two cheeseburger patties, beans
2130 BP 120/80 P75

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thur 8/26

breakfast burrito
nuts during morning
2030 chinese: shrimp, chicken, rice

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

wed 8/25

0600 breakfast burrito
0800 banana
1230 apple
1700 chicken

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tues 8/24

fasting due to 0700 stress test
1100 western omelette
1900 chicken almondine, broccoli, salad

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mon 8/23

0740 breakfast burrito
1700 dinner: salty roast beef, broccoli
(salt at doctor's suggestion)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sun 8/22

0800 #236
0900 BP118/74 P80, BP119/75 P77
0915 two breakfast burritos
1420 one SlimJim, two poptarts
1430 started riding, Jail Trail and Northside Trail, 15 miles
1700 BP84/59 P94, BP86/56 P90
1900 BP93/62 P80
1915 Dinner. Roast beef, broccoli.
2000 collapsed after standing and walking into hallway. Came to in a heap on floor.
2010 took BP, BP84/61 P93.
2100 BP84/61 P93
2145 BP94/62 P81

Third event in three weeks. Second event in two days.

Trends: in evening, 5pm to 8pm,
after taking second dose of meds,
2 minutes after standing up from sitting position

2209 sitting: 101/63 P81
2210 immediately after standing: BP100/66 P88
2212 two mins after standing: BP99/70 P88

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sat 8/21

0830 breakfast: one bowl bran buds
1130 pop tarts
1200 started bike ride. ate banana, ham and cheese sandwich, 2 packs honey, 2 fig newtons
1600 ended bike ride, 32 miles on trail in 2:48 bike time, rode McDonald - Valleyville Road r/t, ate an apple
1900 dinner: one stuffed pepper, linguine with vegetables
MILEAGE: 54 miles this week, 787 miles this year

2010 knock at the door, stood to answer, coming through kitchen very lightheaded, leaned with back against wall, knees kept buckling. Finally buckling ceased, made way to a chair.
2030 BP 91/63 Pulse 79, BP 92/65 P79
2100 BP 94/65 P78
2300 BP 101/66 P80, BP 97/62 P78, BP91/60 P80, BP97/61 P78

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fri 8/20

breakfast burrito

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thur 8/19

back from vacation
0930 yogurt
1400 4 pancakes
1630 hash browns
1900 bike 10 miles Montour Trail
2030 two slices, mexican lasagna

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sat 8/14

1500 wokeup. #236
1530 pea soup, chicken, combo fried rice
MILEAGE: 30 miles this week, 733 miles this year

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wed 8/11

0900 3 fried eggs, 3 slices bread

Tues 8/10

breakfast burrito
lunch: PF Changs, sesame chicken and broccoli
dinner: chicken and broccoli

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday 8/09

0730 breakfast burrito
1430 lunch: pb&b, quiche lorraine
1900 bike ride; two pop-tarts, four fig newtons;
23 miles trail
2100 half slice pizza, 4 wings

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sun 8/08

0900 yogurt
1300 roast, broccoli, pumpernickel bread
1500 rode 7 trail miles (w/Grace)
1600 cup of soft-serve
1830 dinner: quiche lorraine w/bread

Saturday, August 7, 2010

8/07 Saturday

0830 bowl of BranBuds
1000 pack of poptarts
1000 started ride, 24.4 trail miles w/Joe. Boggs-McDonald-Oakdale r/t.
1200 small Sunway hoagie, tuna fish
1800 roast, onions, broccoli
MILEAGE: 24 miles this week, 703 miles this year

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fri Aug 8th

0730 eggs, sausage, two pancakes / IHOP
1300 steak and shrimp hibachi
1830 spinach lasagna

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thur 8/05

0700 breakfast burrito
0830 banana
1000 apple
1130 banana
1530 half cheeseburger

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wed 8/04

0700 breakfast burrito
1430 two cheeseburger patties no buns
1600 one pb&j two small cupcakes
1900 two cheeseburgers no buns, mini tomatoes, strawberries

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tue 8/03

0745 blueberries
1030 apple
1451 127 mg/dl
1630 sml. french fries, peanut butter
BP108/82 p73

2125 101 mg/dl
dinner omelette, pumpernickel bread
2355 134 mg/dl

Monday, August 2, 2010

mon 8/02

BP 108/66 pulse 75
110/72 p74
0810 124 mg/dl

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sun 8/01

1115 first meds of day
BP 98/65 pulse 80
104/69 pulse 75
102/62 pulse 70
119 mg/dl
1130 three pieces French Toast

1240 felt real bad in church; dizzy very sweaty

1415 112 mg/dl
BP 96/66 pulse 79
98/63 pulse 73

2130 BP 107/71 pulse 76
dinner: two stuffed green peppers, corn
2200 118 mg/dl

2345 BP 101/66 p82
2345 112 mg/dl