Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sat 7/31

238.0 #
1030 first meds of day
1153 98 mg/dl
1250 109 mg/dl
1345 one berry muffin
1600 two pb&j, second meds of day
1630 194 mg/dl

1710 stood up, climbed stairs, dizzy and collapsed off 2nd step.
landed hard on butt and head, ended up sprawled on floor.
1720 158 mg/dl. lay down to rest after falling.

1750 BP 70/49 pulse 83
79/48 pulse 84
84/46 pulse 78
1755 82/48 pulse 77 ?? postural (orthostatic) hypotension ??

1830 BP 88/54 pulse73
87/52 p73

1900 BP 88/50 pulse72
84/51 p79
1905 87/51 p73
1910 152 mg/dl

1930 BP 90/60 pulse 74
86/53 p72
90/52 p72
90/53 p72

2045 BP 98/61 pulse 70
97/63 p72
123 mg/dl

2145 BP 93/60 pulse 72
99/62 pulse72
119 mg/dl

2200 sunway hoagie

2300 141 mg/dl
BP 93/62 pulse 81
94/60 pulse 81

note. I have over the last few weeks had instances of dizziness
after sitting, then standing up and walking. I have at times needed
to grab onto something to maintain balance. This was the first event
where I fell.

I had a prior event where I almost fell (June30). I was riding bike, had stopped and
sat down to rest at the top of a hill, when I stood to get back on bike I was
dizzy and staggered like a drunk. Sat down again, waiting ten minutes, rose
slowly and was ok.

Theory: I took my morning meds very late today. I rushed the second round of meds which includes BP meds. That lowered my BP too much, and standing pushed me over the edge.

Question: Is my BP medication maybe overdoing it?

MILEAGE: 55 miles this week, 679 miles this year

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